Sestanek EFA - Skupine strank Centralne Evrope (Celovec, 12. 03. 2022)

V Celovcu so na zasedanju strank centralne Evrope združene v EFA (Evropska svobodna zveza) sprejete pomembne odločitve v luči aktualnih razmer.

Na pobudo politične stranke Enotna lista (koroško-slovenske manjšinske politične stranke) so prisotni predstavniki 8 regionalnih političnih strank iz 9 držav (Oljka, Lista za Rijeku, Bayernpartei, Moravian Movement, Rainbow – Vinozhito, Süd-Tiroler Freiheit, Erdelyi Magyar Neppart, Liga Socijaldemokrata Vojvodine, Ruch Autonomii Śląska),  podprli prizadevanja Enotne liste glede doslednega spoštovanja pravic slovenske manjšine v Avstriji, predvsem na področju uporabe slovenskega jezika v primarnem izobraževanju na narodnostno mešanem območju. Avstrijske oblasti in šolski sistem namreč ne izvajajo dosledno veljavno avstrijsko zakonodajo, ki v dvojezičnih šolah določa enakovreden pouk nemškega in slovenskega jezika. Kršenje temeljnih pravic manjšine postopoma zmanjšuje slovensko govorečih ljudi na Koroškem, posledično v nasprotju z evropsko okvirno konvencijo za zaščito manjšin briše sledi zgodovinskih dejstev tega območja.

V nadaljevanju so prisotni predstavniki političnih strank sprejeli stališče v zvezi z vojno v Ukrajini. Obsodili so Rusko agresijo na suverenost Ukrajinske države ter podprli vse ekonomske in politične sankcije proti Rusiji, ki jih uvajajo evropske države s ciljem zaustavitve vojne. Pozvali so vseh 49 članic EFA, evropske države in Evropsko komisijo da nemudoma pristopijo k humanitarnim operacijam za pomoč ukrajinskem narodu. Od Evropske unije pričakujejo, da se spoštuje Ukrajinsko namero k pridružitvi Evropski skupnosti ter pričnejo s postopki pogajanj za včlanitev. (Spodaj priloženi sklep v zvezi s to tematiko)

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V zaključku zasedanja so prisotni predstavniki strank sklenili, da bodo v prihodnje bolj redno zasedali s ciljem sprejemanja skupnih političnih stališč.


The Austrian authority should fulfil the school act of 1990 for the Slovenian minority 

a) Considering the §16 of the Minority Schools Act for the Slovene Minority of 1990, which stipulates: At the bilingual primary schools all of the lessons are to be given in an approximately equal amount of German and Slovene.

b) Considering the fact that fortunately 45% of the children in Southern Carinthia attend bilingual education in primary school. However, after 4 years of school attendance, the language skills are for the most part insufficient to be able to successfully follow the bilingual lessons in middle school. The reason for this is the neglect of the proportion of teaching in Slovene.

c) Considering the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which was ratified by the Republic of Austria, includes obligations to respect and promote regional or minority languages.

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The European Free Alliance – Central European Group calls for:

1. the Authority of the Austrian federal state of Carinthia to provide effective control and sanctions for non-compliance with the legal provisions of the Minority Schools Act. The school inspectors for the bilingual must also be given the authority to issue instructions.

2. The Slovene language skills of the children must be brought to a certain level with targeted support programs already in pre-school education, so that they will be able to work on an equal footing when entering primary school.


The proportion of children with knowledge of Slovene when entering primary school is only 5%. Therefore programs for the promotion and improvement of bilingual teaching have to be started and an effective control has to be implemented.

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Central European Group of EFA, a political block of parties and movements striving for self-determination, regionalism and subsidiarity:

  1. strongly condemns the aggression against Ukraine, and calls on Russia to immediately stop the military attack and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory;
  2. supports uncompromising economic and political measures against Russia to stop Putin's war machine;
  3. calls on all members of European Free Alliance, EU member states and European Commission to get involved in humanitarian operations and organizations to help Ukraine and the Ukrainian people;
  4. calls on the EU to respect the Ukrainian application to join the EU family, and open the negotiation process immediately;
  5. calls on the EU to make sure that within this conflict, the rights of the ethnic minorities will be respected.